Where is my billable time?

When billable time entries are brought into QuickBooks Online, you may wonder where they go.

Go to the Sales tab. From there, you'll see the "All Sales" menu along the top of the screen. Selecting that menu will bring you to a horizontal bar chart that displays your Sales activities for your business.

Unbilled time entries should show up in the Unbilled Activity section. By this data is grouped by customer so you can see the total unbilled amount for the individual customer...

If you want to see the individual time entries ("Time Charges", in QuickBooks), just click into the customer row. You'll then see each Time Charge in the list, along with the total billable amount. You can even click individual time charges to see the actual detail about the time charges.

Notice that a "Create invoice" link exists both at the customer level and at the individual time charge level. Quickbooks makes it easy to scoop up all of your unbilled time into an invoice with just a click or two; greatly simplifying your invoicing process!

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